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The Breath: 

How can breathing be bad? It can be.  Short quick shallow breaths.  Stopping the breath or catching your breath.  All of this leads to one thing body tension and eventual illness. The facts are that this type of breathing releases the stress hormone cortisol in the body which puts us in a constant state of high alert or tension. 


Just breathing badly is a signal to the body that it is under stress of an imminent attack. So yes, breathing can be bad, and it can produce stress and tension in the body that can lead to depression, anxiety as the body never feels like it is safe.  Deep conscious breathing is a signal to the body it is safe and centered.    


 Deep centered conscious breathing is a tool or technique to reduce stress, to control blood pressure, relieve and prevent muscular tension, which is the cause of not only pain, but injury.  It is also one of the most powerful meditations that a person can do. 

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